Evaluación significativa de prácticas de laboratorioportfolios versus prueba final objetiva
- Jesús Manuel Fernández Oro
- Andrés Meana-Fernández
- Raúl Barrio Perotti
- José González Pérez 1
- Eduardo Blanco Marigorta 1
Universidad de Oviedo
Publisher: Universidad de Oviedo
ISBN: 978-84-17445-02-7
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 644-657
Congress: Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas (CUIEET) (26. 2018. Gijón)
Type: Conference paper
In this work, the results from the evaluation of the laboratory sessions in the Fluid Machinery and Systems subject of the Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oviedo with two different methodologies are presented: evaluation of technical reports from the sessions (individual portfolio of the students) versus a final evaluation test (single objective exam). The statistical analysis of the data during the last five academic years reveals that the portfolio evaluation is less correlated with the final grade of the subject obtained by the students, showing overrated marks with narrow dispersions. On the contrary, the final exam evaluation exhibits a higher correlation with the final grades, presenting a more representative distribution. The evaluation based in a final test is found to be more significant, unbiased, more coherent and able to reduce the subjectivity observed in previous years with the reportsbased evaluation.