Critical success factors for suitable implantation of EPM (Enterprise Project Management) systems within an organization

  1. Vicente Rodríguez Montequín
  2. Joaquín M. Villanueva Balsera
  3. María Teresa Rodríguez Montequín
  4. Cristina Alonso Álvarez
X Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: Valencia, 13-15 Septiembre 2006. Actas

Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 84-9705-987-5

Year of publication: 2006

Pages: 2629-2635

Congress: CIDIP. Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos (10. 2006. Valencia)

Type: Conference paper


An EPM (Enterprise Project Management) solution provides an infrastructure for project management based on Web, strengthening collaboration and accountability among all levels of the organization. During the last years, many organizations have implanted this kind of tools, but not always successfully. This paper studies the key successful factors for this kind of projects, based on the empirical experience of the authors (engineering firms, public affairs and small companies) and the literature review. The pillars for a successful implementation are based on organization, learning and technology aspects. Executives develop business and operational strategies for the implementation, so leadership and top management engagement is needed. The strategy must be aligned with the operational process and the organization goals. Additionally, an EPM solution means a change in the way people do things, so change management aspects must be considered. The system has to be promoted among the users and extra effort is also needed with regard to training for the new tools. Finally, from the technological point of view (focus), the new system should provide the infrastructure and tools to support the project management strategy. The technological focus should consider all the system stakeholders, such as executives, customer and contractors. Finally, the access to the information should be customized for every user profile (executives, managers and team members). Within this kind of implementations, the success or fail criteria should be established previously to the implementation, considering tangible indicators, according to the organization goals. Finally, as final conclusion, it has to be noted that human and organizational aspects are over technical aspects.