Incrustaciones en las embarcaciones menores como factores de contaminación biológica y resistencia al avance

  1. Alejandro Fernández-Cudeiro 1
  2. Deva Menéndez-Teleña 1
  3. Verónica Soto-López 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


Anuario de estudios marítimos

ISSN: 2792-9698

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 2

Pages: 445-473

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuario de estudios marítimos


Biological pollution caused by the introduction of invasive marine species through hull fouling is one of the major problems facing the maritime sector, generating negative consequences both economically and environmentally. Being something known in the merchant marine, little attention has been paid to smaller vessels, being these more numerous, being more geographically dispersed and having more erratic movements. In this text we will try to make an initial approach, describing how these vessels act as secondary vectors of propagation, while dealing with the consequences that these fouling bring to ships. And the possible solutions to this problem through the application of antifouling coatings and the approval of regulatory standards

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