¿Podemos confiar en la tecnología?Una reflexión sobre la crítica social en el mundo tecnológico
ISSN: 1139-3327
Datum der Publikation: 2020
Nummer: 23
Seiten: 13-36
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Argumentos de razón técnica: Revista española de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad, y filosofía de la tecnología
In this paper we will try an exploratory reflection on the meaning of trust in technology and the value of critical skepticism in today's technological world. After examining the meaning of the notions of trust and dependence, and based on the contributions of various authors among which U. Beck and P. Sztompka stand out, we will argue that the increasing artificialization and depersonalization of our milieu is inducing a transition from confidence to dependence on the foundations of the social fabric. Finally, the value of personal skepticism and social criticism will be defended in response to the growing technological alienation in today's world.
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