
University of Naples Federico II
Nápoles, ItaliaPublications in collaboration with researchers from University of Naples Federico II (6)
Construction status and prospects of the Hyper-Kamiokande project
Proceedings of Science
Prospects for neutrino astrophysics with Hyper-Kamiokande
Proceedings of Science
Prospective Teachers Creating and Solvinga Probability Problem: an Exploratory Study
The 11th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Educational: (ICEUTE 2020)
Prospective teachers creating and solving a probability problem: An exploratory study
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Supernova Model Discrimination with Hyper-Kamiokande
Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 916, Núm. 1
What mathematical knowledge do prospective teachers reveal when creating and solving a probability problem?
Mathematics, Vol. 9, Núm. 24