Publicaciones (33) Publicaciones de MERCEDES PEREZ VIDAL


  1. Between collective memory and individual remembrance in women’s religious communities

    Medieval women religious, c. 800-c. 1500: New perspectives (Boydell & Brewer Press), pp. 202-220

  2. Circulation of books and reform ideas between female monasteries in medieval castile: from Twelfth-Century cistercians to the observant reform

    Women and Monastic Reform in the Medieval West, c. 1000-1500: Debating identities, creating communities (Boydell & Brewer Press), pp. 154-179

  3. La liturgia en la encrucijada de la reforma religiosa en los monasterios femeninos castellanos

    Archivo Ibero-Americano, Año 83, Núm. 296, pp. 127-167


  1. 3. The Corpus Christi devotion: gender, liturgy, and authority among dominican nuns in Castile in the middle ages

    Medieval intersections: Gender and status in Europe in the middle ages (Berghahn Books), pp. 35-47

  2. Arte y liturgia en los monasterios de dominicas en Castilla: Desde los orígenes hasta la reforma observante (1218-1506)


  3. Female aristocratic networks: books, liturgy and reform in Castilian nunneries

    Relations of power: Women's networks in the middle ages (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), pp. 105-132

  4. Future perspectives: epilogue from the views of an archaeologist and an art historian

    Materiality and religious practice in medieval Denmark (Brepols Publishers NV), pp. 269-292

  5. The Corpus Christi Devotion: Gender, Liturgy, and Authority among Dominican Nuns in Castile in the Middle Ages

    Medieval Intersections: Gender and Status in Europe in the Middle Ages (Berghahn Books), pp. 35-47

  6. The book of Orders of the diocese of Valencia (1463-1479)

    REVUE D HISTOIRE ECCLESIASTIQUE, Vol. 116, Núm. 1-2, pp. 478-481


  1. El espacio litúrgico en los monasterios de dominicas de Castilla (siglos XII-XVI)

    Sonido y espacio: antiguas experiencias musicales ibéricas (Editorial Alpuerto), pp. 75-116


  1. Legislation, architecture, and liturgy in the dominican nunneries in Castile during the late middle ages: A world of diversitas and peculiarities

    Making and breaking the rules: Discussion, implementation, and consequences of dominican legislation (Oxford University Press), pp. 225-252