Department: Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana

Area: French Philology



Doctor by the Universidad de Málaga with the thesis La traducción de las ciencias farmacéuticas (francés-español) el prospecto de medicamentos para uso humano. Análisis contrastivo-traductológico basado en corpus 2018. Supervised by Dr. Emilio Ortega Arjonilla.

PAD at the University of Oviedo from September 2022. He previously worked at different on-site and online universities (UNIR, UNEAT, and UOC) from 2017, teaching subjects of translation (French and English) and technologies applied to translation studies. He holds a degree in Translation and Interpreting (French and English) from the University of Málaga (2015). He also holds a Ph.D. in Literature, Linguistics, and Translation from the University of Málaga (2018), mention of Specialized Translation and Technologies applied to Translation and Interpreting. His research interests are corpus linguistics, specialized translation (medicine, science, research, AVT, and literature), translation didactics, and educational innovation. He is the author of numerous research articles published in Scopus-indexed journals delving into topics such as the motivation of university students, semiautomated extraction of definitional contexts in scientific texts, translation of irrealia in fantasy literature, or gamification in the university context, among others. He has 6 years of teaching experience focused on translation studies and practice, and translation technologies. During these years, he has been teaching subjects in a wide range of university degrees (Translation and Interpreting, Applied Languages, Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures, Physical Activity and Sport, Psychology, Audiovisual Communication, etc.), and has supervised 26 final degree dissertations and 11 master thesis about translation. These subjects were taught in French, English, and Spanish. He has conducted various workshops as a guest speaker about scientific writing, APA references and citation, and translation technologies. In addition, he has led educational innovation projects about gamification, the application of social media to university teaching, and scientific literacy, among others, and participated as a methodologist in a multidisciplinary educational innovation project. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the translation journal Entreculturas and a reviewer of several JCR and Scopus-indexed journals of translation, linguistics, and didactics.