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Publications by the researcher in collaboration with KATIA MARIA ARGUELLES DIAZ (30)
Experience in the gamification of two subjects on Fluids in the Mechanical Engineering English Degree
#CIMIE23 Las evidencias científicas que mejoran los resultados educativos: Libro de actas #CIMIE23, Santander 6 y 7 de Julio
3D flow compensation for a 2D CFD numerical model of a VAWT in confined environments with highblockage
1st Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference
Herramienta de simulación "Simscapes-Fluids" para las prácticas de Máquinas y Sistemas Fluidomecánicos
Avances y desafíos para la transformación educativa
Performance assessment of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) through control volume theory
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 54
Preliminary flow measurements of a small-scale, vertical axis wind turbine for the analysis of blockage influence in wind tunnels
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Experimental study of the unsteady vibration signature for a Sirocco fan unit
Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, Vol. 39, Núm. 1, pp. 129-148
Simplified assessment on the wind farm noise impact of the e2o experimental offshore station in the asturian coast
Energies, Vol. 13, Núm. 21
Symmetrized dot pattern analysis for the unsteady vibration state in a Sirocco fan unit
Applied Acoustics, Vol. 152, pp. 1-12
Purified orbit diagram and numerical study for a failure analysis of a Sirocco fan
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 9, Núm. 11
Evaluation of interaction and blockage effects for multi-fan units used in public transport HVAC systems
International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 13, Núm. 4, pp. 339-350
Fault diagnosis technique for a squirrel cage fan using vibration analysis signals
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM
Evaluation of design criteria for squirrel-cage fans used in public transport HVAC systems
HVAC and R Research, Vol. 19, Núm. 4, pp. 363-375
Evaluation of the wind turbine noise impact of an experimental offshore platform inthe asturian coast
5th International Congress on Energy, Environment Engineering and Management (CIEEM)
Numerical methodology for the assessment of relative and absolute deterministic flow structures in the analysis of impeller-tongue interactions for centrifugal fans
Computers and Fluids, Vol. 86, pp. 310-325
Optimization of CFD methodologies for the aerodynamic study of wind turbine airfoils
International Congress on Energy and Environement Engineering and Management
Evaluation of squirrel-cage fans for HVAC applications in public transport: keyparameters and design guidelines
FAN 2012 International Conference on Fan Noise, Technology and Numerical Methods
Fan-system interaction and blockage effects for HVAC multi-fan units
FAN 2012 International Conference on Fan Noise, Technology and Numerical Methods
Decomposition of deterministic unsteadiness in a centrifugal turbomachine: Nonlinear interactions between the impeller flow and volute for a double suction pump
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 133, Núm. 1
Flow analysis and deterministic decoupling in a squirrel cage fan
ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJK 2011
La mecánica de fluidos en 100 problemas
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