Profesora Contratada Doctora
Department: Ciencias de la Educación
Area: Research and Evaluation Methods in Education
Research group: IEFES Grupo de Investigación sobre Intervención Educativa en el Ámbito Familiar, Escolar y Social
Email: alvarezblucia@uniovi.es
Personal web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucia-Blanco
Doctor by the Universidad de Oviedo with the thesis Análisis del riesgo de abandono escolar desde la perspectiva del alumnado, del profesorado y de las familias. Identificación de necesidades educativas 2012. Supervised by Dr. Raquel Amaya Martínez González.
Especialidades predominantes (top 5)
Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones help
Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones
Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.
Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.
After studying the Diploma in Teaching, specializing in Primary Education (1998-2001) and the subsequent Degree in Pedagogy (2001-2003) at the University of Oviedo, she began her doctoral studies, obtaining the Diploma of Advanced Studies in Educational Sciences in 2005. From that date, and thanks to a Severo Ochoa scholarship/pre-doctoral grant from the Department of Education of the Government of the Principality of Asturias, obtained in competitive competition, she was able to continue with the development of her Doctoral Thesis, joining the Department of Educational Sciences and the area of knowledge of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education. In 2012 she obtained the Doctorate in Pedagogy, receiving the qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude. In reference to work experience, it is noteworthy that these doctoral studies were combined with her work as a teacher at the aforementioned university since 2008, also assuming the delivery of numerous training activities in various municipalities, public administrations and schools. Since 2016 she has been teaching and researching, in the category of Assistant Professor, in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the University of Oviedo, teaching in different Degrees and Masters and annually directing numerous academic works (TFG and TFM) to which is added the co-direction of a Doctoral Thesis (2017), the direction of another (2022) and the direction of another one (2022) and the direction of another one (2022), as well as the supervision of a Doctoral Thesis (2017) and the direction of another one (2022) and the current direction of two others.In January 2023 she achieved the professional category of Associate Professor, continuing her professional performance in the aforementioned Faculty and University. In addition to the above, she has participated in various research and teaching innovation projects, disseminating her work in scientific events, books from prestigious publishers and journals of national and international impact in the areas of knowledge of Education and Psychology. His lines of work and specialization include topics such as family educational guidance, Positive Parenting, school failure and dropout, adolescence, emotional intelligence or competencies linked to university studies, among others. Finally, it is worth mentioning the following mentions: a) Extraordinary Prize "Eduardo Fraga Torrejón" for his studies in Primary Education Teaching (2001); b) First prize in the national call for the III Young Family Research Award (2005) and c) Extraordinary Prize "Eduardo Fraga Torrejón" for his studies in Primary Education Teaching (2001); b) First prize in the national call for the III Young Family Research Award (2005) and c) First prize in the national call for the III Young Family Research Award (2005) and c) First prize in the III Young Family Research Award (2005).