Publications by the researcher in collaboration with CARLOS MENENDEZ OTERO (6)


  1. Introduction

    Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain: Notes on a Shared History (Peter Lang), pp. 9-19

  2. Spain, Portugal, and Great Britain: Notes on a Shared History

    Peter Lang


  1. A Case Study of the Use of ICT in Face-To-Face, Third-Level English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Courses

    Proceedings, ICETIC 2018 The 2nd Innovative and Creative Education and Teaching International Conference

  2. English for occupational therapy

    Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo

  3. Ensuring uniformity of content and assessment in on-site ESP university courses through ICT

    LFE: Revista de lenguas para fines específicos, Vol. 24, Núm. 2, pp. 9-26


  1. Gestión y evaluación de asignaturas presenciales de IFE mediante plataforma digital: una experiencia desde el Grado en Comercio y Marketing

    X Jornadas de Innovación Docente 2017: Redes para la innovación: la participación del alumnado