Análisis de una experiencia de utilización de asistentes de IA en Programación Orientada a Objetos

  1. Álvarez-Bravo, José Vicente
  2. López Luengo, María Antonia
  3. Palop del Río, Belén
  4. Vega Agapito, María Victoria
  5. Hernando Gallego, Francisco
  6. González Alonso, Beatriz
Actas de las Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI)
  1. Cruz Lemus, José Antonio (coord.)
  2. Dapena, Adriana (coord.)
  3. Paramá Gabia, José Ramón (coord.)

ISSN: 2531-0607

Datum der Publikation: 2024

Nummer: 9

Seiten: 85-92

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Actas de las Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI)

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


This paper explores the integration of AI assistants in an Object-Oriented Programming in the Computer Engineering degree in Services and Applications at the University of Valladolid from the point of view of students' perceptions. To this end, students are encouraged to use the assistants in a guided manner in the classroom, reinforcing the absolute necessity of evaluating and questioning the suitability of the solutions proposed by them. Surveys, Focus Groups and classroom observation show that students construct their solutions with greater confidence, while developing their critical sense when facing the assistants' solutions.