La participación de los consumidores en los sandboxes financieros como medio para mejorar su protección

  1. Nicolás Bárcena Suárez
La Ley mercantil

ISSN: 2341-4537

Année de publication: 2024

Número: 114

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: La Ley mercantil


The transformation of financial markets due to the impact of digital innovation outlines a new scenario for the consumer in which it is necessary to rescue their voice and try to persevere in the protection of their interests. The national and European legislator is committed to prudence when regulating the new technological scenario and arbitrates mechanisms to try to control the consequences of possible harmful effects that could be caused by the increasing incidence of innovation in the market. This work will attempt to provide reasons for greater consumer participation in testing grounds in which innovations that directly affect them can be tested. This participation must result in the common benefit of society, the consumers themselves and the market.