The role of the cultural and creative industries in cultural diplomacy and soft power between China and the E$uropean Union

  1. Silvia María González Fernández

ISSN: 1647-7251

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 31-61

Type: Article

DOI: 10.26619/1647-7251.12.1.3 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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This paper analyses the different terms used in public diplomacy and the symbiotic relations that connect the European Union and China through culture, mobility, cultural diplomacy and soft power. The first part of the article reviews the main treaties and agreements signed between the two continents in the cultural field and explain mobility as a driver to enhance relations among countries. The main objective and central axis of the article is to examine the roles played by the cultural and creative industries in the field of international relations and diplomacy between the European Union, Spain and China through a case study: an analysis of Chinese artists in the Spanish residencies. The methodologies used are qualitative and quantitative analysis through in depth interviews with Chinese artists, a survey to artistic residencies and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping. The last part of the paper offers some reflections and conclusions about the correlation between, and relevance of the cultural and creative industries for cultural diplomacy or mobility between countries, soft power and the image of a country abroad.

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