Revisitando a los clásicos en el vigésimo aniversario de Perifèria
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
ISSN: 1885-8996
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Pages: 161-166
Type: Article
More publications in: Perifèria: revista de investigación y formación en antropología
The introductory text of this special section is divided into two parts. On the one hand, we elaborate on the proposal about revisiting the classics, introducing two texts of this special section called “Revisiting the classics”, and connecting with the presentation of a new section called "Reprint", which is intended to publish classic or current texts of interest for anthropology but not easily accessible. On the other hand, this revisit to the classics is linked to the twentieth anniversary of Perifèria journal, which gradually is also becoming a classic among anthropology journals both in the Spanish and Catalan contexts, without forgetting its Latin American projection.
Bibliographic References
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