Impacto proambiental en jóvenes universitarios:emociones generadas e implicación promovida por un storytelling de la ONU
- M. Esther del Moral Pérez 1
- Nerea López-Bouzas 1
- Jonathan Castañeda Fernández 1
- M. Carmen Bellver Moreno 2
- 1 Universidad de Oviedo, España
- 2 Universitat de València, España
ISSN: 1696-019X, 2386-3978
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 37
Pages: 193-212
Type: Article
More publications in: Doxa Comunicación: revista interdisciplinar de estudios de comunicación y ciencias sociales
Sustainable development goals
The UN environmental campaign “Break up with plastic” is used within the Go Green! project to sensitize university students about the consumption of plastics. The research proposes: 1) know the affective-emotional responses and level of pro-environmental involvement of Education degree students after viewing it; and 2) identify their opinions about the persuasive capacity of the narrative, message and protagonist. The methodology is mixed: quantitative, as a non-experimental empirical study, with non-probabilistic sampling –project participants (N=296)–, with a descriptive and correlational nature, based on data collected with a questionnaire. And, qualitatively, through focus groups. The results underline that the message of the campaign supported by the storytelling technique generates a lot of interest and empathy with the protagonist. The narrative is highly valued and encourages great environmental involvement. Its pro-environmental impact is high, related to the level of ecological awareness of the students. It raises awareness and awareness to reduce the consumption of plastics, although not everyone changes their attitude. Concluding, the campaign transforms an informative message into a persuasive story, activating the interest of the audience. However, it is necessary to design more explicit campaigns that invite concrete actions and propose eco-sustainable behaviors that can be emulated.
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