Eficacia de un programa educativo tradicional y dos procedimientos conductuales para la implantación del cepillado dental en niños de E.G.B.

  1. C. Fernández Rodríguez
  2. M. I. Puente Rodríguez
  3. R. Secades Villa
  4. J.M. Cobo Plana
  5. L. Galván Pereira
Periodoncia: Sociedad Española de Periodoncia

ISSN: 1131-8821

Year of publication: 1994

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

Pages: 100-108

Type: Article

More publications in: Periodoncia: Sociedad Española de Periodoncia


This study the usefulness of a dental health education program, based on the transmission of information, and two behavioural procedures (corrective feedback and contingency management) in the establishment of a useful toothbrushing technique on 113 primary school children, which will enhance the prevention of dental diseases within the school. The obtained results show the subjects of the behavioural intervention groups obtained results than the orders, being the only ones that improved their dental hygiene significantly. No differences were found between the education group and the control group.