Pro-environmental Advertising Strategies of Greatest Impact Among College Audiences
- Del Moral Pérez, M. Esther 1
- Bellver Moreno, M. Carmen 2
- López-Bouzas, Nerea 1
- Castañeda Fernández, Jonathan 1
Universidad de Oviedo
Universitat de València
ISSN: 2174-1859
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: Science, its Academic Communication and its Dissemination to Broad Audiences: a Multi-Dimensional Phenomenon
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Pages: 223-246
Type: Article
More publications in: Index.comunicación: Revista científica en el ámbito de la Comunicación Aplicada
The aim of this study is to know the opinion of undergraduate students (N=296) on the most impactful advertising strategies to design future environmental awareness campaigns. The methodology is empirical, non-experimental, descriptive, exploratory and analytical. It focuses on examining the opinion of respondents about the preferred communication channels used to transmit pro-environmental messages, the audio-visual formats that draw their attention, the most persuasive narrative, the most impactful messages, and the people they find most credible for pro-environmental campaigning. The findings show that young audiences prioritize social media; real images; informative and testimonial narratives; catastrophic, hopeful and inspirational messages; and nature is the main protagonist of stories. In conclusion, these campaigns should take advantage of the potential of social networks and select the most suitable advertising strategies to ensure their impact and encourage change towards eco-sustainable actions.
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