Destrucción de compuesto organoclorados y CFCs mediante hidrodecloración catalítica
ISSN: 1131-9526
Argitalpen urtea: 1997
Urtea: 7
Zenbakia: 39
Orrialdeak: 87-94
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Residuos: Revista técnica
The destruction of organohalogenated compounds (for example chlorinated solvents, PCBs and CFCs) is a very serious environmental problem. Catalytec hydrodechlorination has shown to be potentially efficient method for the destruction of these compounds. In this technique the halogenated compound reacts with hydrogen, tielding a non-chlorinated compound (environmentally harmless) · and hydrogen-chloride. In this article, different set-ups and catalysts employed in the catalytic hydrodechlorination were described. Finally, some applications of this technique to the treatment of industrial effluents, such as the destruction of chlorinated solvents (as tetrachlorethylene o tetrachloromethane), conversion of CFCs into HCFCs, destruction of PCBs and treatment of water polluted with chlorinated pesticides.