The acquisition of postverbal subjects in spanish and its information structure by english-speaking students

  1. Cornejo Núñez, María
Dirigida por:
  1. Angel L. Jiménez-Fernández Director/a
  2. Mara Frascarelli Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 31 de enero de 2020

  1. Francisco Garrudo Carabias Presidente/a
  2. María Victoria Camacho-Taboada Secretario/a
  3. Ana Isabel Ojea López Vocal
  4. Mónica Palmerini Vocal
  5. Elena Nuzzo Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 611353 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


The aim of this dissertation is to research the interaction between word order and information structure in Spanish. In particular, this study has been developed based on preceding theories that deal with information structure in pro-drop languages and how it affects the acquisition of postverbal subjects in Spanish in order to accomplish a descriptive and experimental research on the interaction between the different levels of analysis. This study concerns the acquisition of postverbal subjects by L1 and L2 English speakers of Spanish from an experimental and descriptive perspective, using the main theoretical concepts assumed in the literature on information structure and argument structure. However, the analysis carried out is not entirely theoretical; the theoretical framework is needed in order to present and develop the main studies on the topic, but this dissertation stands on the statistical and descriptive analysis of two linguistic experimental tests. The general hypothesis is that the realization of postverbal subjects may be sensitive to specific focus types. In line with this, we support that: a) the acquisition of subject production and distribution in Spanish (null/explicit or postverbal subjects) might be related one another and share some of the main properties from a syntax and discourse viewpoint; b) from an evolutionary perspective, postverbal subject strategies can be considered as a late acquisition for narrow focus constructions; c) from a second language acquisition perspective, the existence of differences between L1 and L2 speakers of Spanish in relation to the acceptance of postverbal subject structures is relevant enough to carry out an experimental analysis that allows us to develop some didactic proposals for the classroom in the future.