Definición de tareas de aprendizaje basado en proyecto colaborativo para Ingeniería Mecatrónica
- Miguel J. Prieto 1
- David Blanco 1
- Ignacio Álvarez 1
- Juan Díaz 1
- Gonzalo Valiño 1
- José Á. Sirgo 1
- Alberto García 1
- Alberto M. Pernía 1
Universidad de Oviedo
Publisher: Universidad de Oviedo
ISBN: 978-84-17445-02-7
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 883-894
Congress: Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas (CUIEET) (26. 2018. Gijón)
Type: Conference paper
Technical education is specially indicated to apply project-based learning. This type of learning is always well received by students, since it allows them to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the lectures. However, in order to achieve satisfactory results, it is necessary that there be constant coordination between all the teachers involved in the project, and that such a project has been defined as clearly as possible. This paper presents a work designed to carry out project-based learning in groups formed by students of the Master in Mechatronic Engineering of the University of Oviedo, both in the Erasmus Mundus version (EU4M) and in its local version (MUIM). The tasks to be developed in each of the blocks of the Mechatronic Project are defined, establishing a relation between all the tasks that must be taken into account in order to obtain a satisfactory result. Finally, positive aspects of the defined work are identified, as well as some others that can be improved.