Motivación para viajar y satisfacción turística en función de los factores de personalidad

  1. María García García 1
  2. María de la Villa Moral Jiménez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo (España)
Pasos: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

ISSN: 1695-7121

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 20

Issue: 1

Pages: 31-44

Type: Article

DOI: 10.25145/J.PASOS.2022.20.002 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRIULL editor

More publications in: Pasos: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural


Free time is growing and tourism is a way to spend it as leisure, which has various implications, some of which are purely psychosocial. Therefore, the tourism activity is a psychosocial phenomenon that is worth to study. The goal of the present work is to subject is to study the relationship between tourists personality, motivation and tourist satisfaction, as well as differences according to sex, age, and educational level in the aforementioned variables. The sample is made of 239 participants aged betweed 12 and 82 years (X = 33, DT = 15.6) who have completed the NEO -FFI Personality Inventory, together with the Visibility Motivation Scales and Tourist satisfaction. They have also indicated their priorities according to Pearce‘s tourism motivation model. Based on the results, it have been found relationships between some personality profiles, different motivations and tourist satisfaction. However, it were not found statiscally significant differences according to the level of studies class in tourism motivations, as well as no inter -gender differences in motivation or tourist satisfaction. It woud be interesting as a future prospect promote research in this field that links personality and tourist hebavior, according to its importance at the psychosocial level.

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