Intervención basada en el MRPS en jóvenes estudiantes de educación física y su vinculación con la psicología positiva e inteligencia emocional

  1. Garcia Garcia, Juana
Supervised by:
  1. Noelia Belando Pedreño Director
  2. Alfonso Valero Valenzuela Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 19 December 2019

  1. José Antonio Cecchini Estrada Chair
  2. Alberto Gómez Mármol Secretary
  3. Javier Fernández Río Committee member

Type: Thesis


The main purpose of this paper get knowledge about the existing relationships between the responsibility perceived by the young students of Physical Education and variables linked to the theory of Positive Psychology (PP) and Emotional Intelligence (IE), such as prosocial and antisocial behaviors, empathy, violence and perception of the level of physical-sport activity. In addition, the influence of the implementation of an intervention program based on the Personal and Social Responsibility Model (MRPS) on psycho-emotional variables in Physical Education classes, was analyzed. The experimental framework was established in two studies based on the set objectives. Study 1 was carried out under a cross-sectional design in which 296 Physical Education students (138 boys and 158 girls) with ages between 10-17 years (M = 12.60, SD = 1.65) participated. In Study 2 a quasi-experimental longitudinal inter subject design with a pretest and a post test was used, with a sample of 57 Physical Education students belonging to four natural groups, structured in an experimental group (26 students) and a control group (31 students); 4 teachers; and 32 parents. Data collection was done through the Personal and Social Responsibility Questionnaire (PSRQ), the Teenage Inventory of Social Skills (TISS), the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), the Daily School Violence Questionnaire (CUVECO), the scale of comparative physical activity and the Physician-based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise (PACE). Additionally, Actigraph GT3X triaxial accelerometers were used to measure the quantity of MVPA. Regarding the data analysis, bivariate correlations, analysis of conglomerates, ANCOVA, MANOVA and MANCOVA were calculated. The main results showed correlations with the psychosocial variables and the level of physical activity analyzed in this paper. Inclusive, two profiles of responsibility were differentiated: one with "high responsibility" and another one with "low responsibility". Despite this, the results corresponding to the effects of the intervention program based on the MRPS, were not conclusive in studied variables, neither in the students nor in the parents. With the application of the MRPS in a context as ideal as the Physical Education classes, students could experience an integrating development in several areas of their life: educational, personal, social and psycho-emotional. Nevertheless, the lack of consistent data requires the need to carry out new studies that deepen into MRPS effectiveness on the knowledge paradigms analyzed. Keywords: Responsibility, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Integral development, Physical Education.