Coordination of lateral body bending and leg movements for sprawled posture quadrupedal locomotion

  1. Chong, B.
  2. Aydin, Y.O.
  3. Gong, C.
  4. Sartoretti, G.
  5. Wu, Y.
  6. Rieser, J.M.
  7. Xing, H.
  8. Schiebel, P.E.
  9. Rankin, J.W.
  10. Michel, K.B.
  11. Nicieza, A.
  12. Hutchinson, J.R.
  13. Goldman, D.I.
  14. Choset, H.
International Journal of Robotics Research

ISSN: 1741-3176 0278-3649

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 40

Issue: 4-5

Pages: 747-763

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1177/0278364921991158 GOOGLE SCHOLAR