La educación en competencias para una cultura democrática desde la clase de lenguas extranjerasel caso de los videoclips

  1. Sánchez Vizcaíno, M. Carmen
Supervised by:
  1. María del Carmen Fonseca Mora Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 18 December 2020

  1. Carmen Ramos Méndez Chair
  2. Fernando David Rubio Alcalá Secretary
  3. Lucía Pilar Cancelas Ouviña Committee member

Type: Thesis


Europe, formerly a symbol of peace, prosperity and cultural diversity, currently faces a number of challenges such as the rise of radicalism, loss of identity, intolerance, political disillusionment or discrepancies between states that threaten the foundations of a united Europe. In order to address these social concerns, the Council of Europe pursues the use of Education as a medium in a transversal manner by means of the “Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture” (2018). In parallel, reflection appears to have become a rare element in the constantly changing world of technology and screens. The music video is located within this media and technological context as a cultural product appropriate for young people but at the same time replete with messages to be decoded. Accordingly, it is important to introduce audiovisual literacy to attempt to understand this content by using critical reflection. This dissertation seeks to analyse the educational potential of a music video as a motivating and effective tool to work within the competences for democratic culture and intercultural dialogue in the foreign language classroom. As far as the method is concerned, although quantitative techniques were used, a qualitative procedure was primarily employed to analyse a sample comprising 47 music videos in Spanish. In order to conduct systematic research, the qualitative data analysis and research software Atlas.ti was used. The theoretical frameworks which supported the study were multimodality and audiovisual narrative. The results show that a part of the current music videos in Spanish disseminated via global music-streaming services reflects the content on democratic competences. However, most music videos still frequently display topics such as woman's objectification and her relationship to man, praise of beauty and youth, prominence of the uppermiddle class linked to material wealth and success, hedonism as a lifestyle and sensuality. At the same time, there is a tendency for music in Spanish to derive from present-day Hispanic America, primarily reggaeton. However, the sample analysed is characterised by a variety of music genres, the main ones being pop, urban pop, rumba and funk carioca, since they were employed to create music videos with precise listening comprehension. On the other hand, the results reveal a varied projection of competences for democratic culture, with values being the most representative ones, followed by attitudes, skills and knowledge and critical understanding. The most recurrent competences were those linked to cultural diversity. In addition, the empirical findings in this study provide a new understanding of democratic competences from a didactic perspective, since two typologies were identified. The first was presented visibly in the music videos employing different strategies, unlike the second which was not projected in them. However, it could be possible to work with this type through music videos, with the music video serving as a learning tool in this case. As far as representation of the Hispanic cultural topic is concerned, it is largely associated with free time and leisure activities. Overall, music videos more frequently display factual and specific knowledge associated with cultural references and sociocultural knowledge and behaviours than abstract concepts about intercultural skills and attitudes. Finally, this study provides a pedagogic guide to selecting and working with music videos in the foreign language classroom to promote the development of competences for democratic culture and intercultural dialogue.