Experiencia de adaptación al EEES del Primer Curso de Ingeniero de Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Oviedo

  1. Irene Díaz
  2. Fernando Las-Heras
  3. Marta Hernando
  4. José Ángel Huidobro
  5. José Ramón Villar
TICAI 2009: TIC's para a aprendizagem da engenharia
  1. Carlos V
  2. Ricardo Silveira
  3. Manuel Caeiro

Publisher: IEEE Sociedad de Educación

ISBN: 978-972-8688-70-7

Year of publication: 2009

Pages: 117-124

Type: Book chapter


The merging process which is taking place in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) implies significant changes in relation to the current University systems. From a practical point of view, the introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is the most important change. This reform will lead to the need to design new study plans and modify the traditional systems of education. Having this change in mind, it may seem appropriate to carry out new experiences which will allow both professors and the academic heads to face the problems in the near future. This paper describes the project developed at the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de Gijón during the 2007/08 academic year to introduce the new credit system in the first year of the degree in Telecommunications Engineering and the conclusions taken out