Desarrollo y diseño de nuevas soluciones constructivas para la realización de diques verticales utilizando materiales avanzados poliméricos reforzados con fibra

  1. García Espinel, José Daniel
Supervised by:
  1. Daniel Castro Fresno Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 29 September 2015

  1. Francisco Ballester Chair
  2. Eugenio Pellicer Armiñana Secretary
  3. Francisco José Suárez Domínguez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 393797 DIALNET


This thesis proposes the evolution of the technique of floating caissons for construction of docks, modifying it in two fundamental aspects: � There is a change of the construction process from an on-site process to a prefab process, done outside the port. Within the port are only assembled the parts manufactured in factory of the GFRP caisson. � There is a change in the material using fiber-reinforced polymer materials (FRP) rather than concrete and steel. In this way we manufacture floating caissons of high durability and low weight that will allow us to launch to the sea caissons with a light crane. We study in detail the durability of composite materials in marine environment and the design and construction of a GFRP prototype caisson to build a mooring dolphin in Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura)