Estudio, análisis y diseño de secciones permeables de firmes para vías urbanas con un comportamiento adecuado frente a la colmatación y con la capacidad portante necesaria para soportar tráficos ligeros

  1. Rodríguez Hernández, Jorge
Supervised by:
  1. Miguel Ángel Calzada Pérez Director
  2. Daniel Castro Fresno Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 11 July 2008

  1. Francisco Ballester Chair
  2. Ángel Vega Zamanillo Secretary
  3. Stephen John Coupe Committee member
  4. Joaquin Antonio Diaz Pascual Committee member
  5. Alfonso Gerónimo Lozano Martínez-Luengas Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 149661 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


Pervious pavements are part of the trend of sustainable construction as one of the most complete Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). The clogging resistance test with the Fixed Cantabrian Infiltrometer (FCI) has been developed to study the infiltration capacity in laboratory. The FCI is an effective tool for the characterization of different pervious pavements types, exposed to a known contribution of water, varying clogging conditions and slope. Besides, the Portable Cantabrian Infiltrometer (PCI) has been developed to study the infiltration capacity in field. The PCI allows clearly identifying any type of surface, pervious or impervious, as well as its clogging level. Regarding the materials degradation, the affection of hydrocarbons leakages over porous asphalt has been analysed. Lastly, models of pervious pavements have been built in the FIDICA Laboratory and in the Santander Campus of the University of Cantabria, besides several experimental parking bays in La Guía, Gijón.