Multifactor implicit measures to assess enterprising personality dimensions
Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad de Granada
- 3 Parque Científi co Tecnológico (CTIC)
ISSN: 0214-9915
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 30
Issue: 4
Pages: 357-363
Type: Article
More publications in: Psicothema
Background: Several implicit measures have been proposed to overcome limitations of self-reports. The present study aimed to develop a new implicit association test (MFT-IAT) to assess enterprising-related traits, exploring its reliability and validity evidence. Method: A total of 1,142 individuals (Mean age 42.36 years, SD = 13.17) from the general population were assessed. Participants were asked about sociodemographic data, employment status, and personality traits using the Battery for the Assessment of the Enterprising Personality (BEPE). They completed an MFT-IAT designed to assess the BEPE’s traits (achievement motivation, autonomy, innovativeness, self-efficacy, locus of control, optimism, stress tolerance and risk taking). Reliability was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha. Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFAs) were performed to assess the internal structure of the MFT-IAT. Correlations and a Multiple Analysis of Variance were used to estimate validity evidence based on the relationship towith participants’ employment status. Results: EFAs provided validity evidence for all dimensions with high internal consistency (a = .92-.93). Correlations between implicit and explicit measures were non-significant. Non- implicit measures yielded significant differences between employment statuses. Discussion: This is a pioneering study in this field and more research is needed to improve the feasibility and practicality of implicit measures in applied assessment settings
Funding information
The present study was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Refs: PSI2014-56114-P and PSI2017-85724-P) and a predoctoral grant (Ref: BES-2015-073327). Both funding sources played no role in the study design, data collection, analysis or interpretation of the results.Funders
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- PSI2017-85724-P
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