Mariano Arias Páramo y el escriba sagradoproyecto vital versus “cuidado de sí mismo”: Vitalidad, alma, espíritu

  1. Alberto Hidalgo Tuñón
Eikasía: revista de filosofía

ISSN: 1885-5679

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 79

Pages: 9-49

Type: Article

More publications in: Eikasía: revista de filosofía


Mariano Arias died unexpectedly on May 14, 2017.. The article makes his obituary, but also an interpretation of his great work, "The sacred scribe", built from his doctoral thesis that investigates the origins of writing and the written word . From the point of view of philosophical materialism, it seems contradictory that the author of this work has neglected his health so much that he insists on the scribe's corporeality to the point of making him the necessary operator through which the signs and the clay produce internal and simultaneously the reality and the Idea of writing on the margin and beyond the aims, programs and projects of the writers in whose praxis converge the three axes of the anthropological space. To solve this enigma goes to the youthful work of Ortega y Gasset who makes a tripartition between vitality, soul and spirit, on the one hand, while on the other one goes to the work of Michel Foucault on the hermeneutics of the subject to explain the nexus between the "self-care" as organizer of the philosophical task and the "know thyself" Socratic. The article demonstrates how the fundamental contribution of Mariano Arias' work consists in establishing precise connections between cave paintings and Sumerian writing and between it and the divine tetra-gramaton by dynamizing the anthropological space itself through the anamorphic contraption of the epicycles and the eccentric Giving a new twist to the theological investment of Descartes and modernity, not through its rectification, as postmodernity claims, but through the hyperbolic deepening that the graphic and pictographic productions that place the birth of the gods before the construction itself. Mathematics and the birth of geometry, Mariano Arias shows that monotheism itself is ultimately a scriptural invention

Bibliographic References

  • Arias, Mariano (2016) El Escriba Sagrado. Filosofía del origen de la Idea de Escritura. Brumaria, Madrid.
  • Botterro, J. (1986) Naisance de Dieu, Gallimard, Paris. Pero Mariano Arias cita más (1989) Lorsque les dieux faisaient l’homme: mythologie mésopotamienne, Gallimard, Paris (Hay traducción española : Cuando los dioses hacían de hombres, Akal, Madrid, 2004)
  • Bueno, Gustavo (1985), El animal divino, Pentalfa, Oviedo, 2ª edición. 1996.
  • La epopeya de Gilgamesh. El gran hombre que no quería morir, Edición de Jean Bottéro para Gallimard, Paris en 1992 (traducción de Pedro López Borja de Quiroga, Akal, 1998).
  • Foucault, Michel, (1982): L’herméneutique du sujet. Cours au Collège de France, Seuil/Gallimard, Paris, 2001, (Traducción de Horacio Pons, editorial akal, Argentina/España/México, 2005, p. 187).
  • Kerényi, Karl (1998): Dionisios. Raíz de la vida indestructible, Herder, Barcelona.
  • Labat, René (1963) «La escritura cuneiforme (y la civilización mesopotámica)» en L’ écriture et la psychologie des peuples. Edición original en Armand Colin, París, traducido por Juan Almela en 1978, para siglo XXI editores, p.69.
  • Ortega y Gasset, José (1924). Vitalidad, alma, espíritu (Espectador V, Espasa-Calpe, Madrid en O.C. Vol. II, Revista de Occidente, Madrid en la que se incluye un resumen).
  • Richir, Marc (1996). «Préface. La question de l’hominisation» en Marc Groenen, Leroi-Gourhan. Essence et contingence dans la destinée humaine, p.36.
  • Schmandt-Besserat, Denise (1978), «El primer antecedente de la escritura», Investigación y ciencia, nº 23, Agosto.