Didáctica de la ciencia a través del teatro
- Eduardo Dopico 1
- Eva García-Vázquez 1
- César Alonso 1
- Etelvino Vázquez
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 1681-5653, 1022-6508
Any de publicació: 2015
Volum: 69
Número: 3
Pàgines: 117-132
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación
In a context of adult education, we carried out a didactic experience of teaching and learning of science using as educational resource the theater of collective creation in parallel to a battery of lectures and symposium on the concept and mechanisms of evolution. On one hand, it wanted to provide affordable evolutionary keys from a multidisciplinary perspective, to understand the great diversity of life on our planet. Of another, because of the above, were employed dynamics of participative action research and content analysis techniques to try to build a visual expression the way in which a play is created, for clarification of the learning acquired. The results obtained show the process of knowledge transfer placing evolutionary elements from lectures and symposium at the dialogues that students were designing and their competences to create a play from nothing to the staging.
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