Esencias salvajes y existencia de los derechos humanos. Primera Parte. Elucidación conceptual sobre el sentido de la expresión en Merleau-Ponty
ISSN: 1885-5679
Année de publication: 2014
Número: 60
Pages: 61-100
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Eikasía: revista de filosofía
The exoteric problem, but no less provocative, which posits the existence of a wild essence of human rights is highly topical facing two issues. 1 - The issue of intercultural foundation of human rights in this postMarxist era in bourgeois individualism that is rampant denying legitimacy to collective rights. And 2 - called the issue of animal rights whose cause has been revived in our time by many philosophers, including Peter Singer with his book Animal Liberation, which places the scope in borders of the species. Regarding the first question, it is known that many civilizations did not know or at least did not recognize any formal code or eidetic picture of Human Rights for human beings qua such, though they do seem to take noted certain limits or ethical prohibitions under the name of explicit commands or ancestral traditions in human relationships. It is proverbial in the twentieth century the resistance put China to sign the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights United Nations, even though they had signed in 1948 and part of its Security Council veto, claiming in 1993 the Confucian tradition. The second question raises the issue of whether only sensitive human body (Leib) have rights and why not the animals. The animals have souls, but have Leib? Well, two problems regarding the hypothetical, and perhaps contradictory existence of a wild essence of human rights poses no problems and conflicts similar to those of the theological foundation of the same, but much more philosophically radical as the resurrected question of the legitimacy of cultural relativism to resisting unilateral impositions of dominus at the same level of the boundary between human and non-human to the extent that compromises the specificity of the human body. In both cases it is shown how the different human sciences left open gnoseologically philosophical sides, which is not without connections to the fact that the argument of the superiority of Western civilization on other cultures or civilizations is increasingly tenuous and the perennial need to return to a phenomenological foundation of anthropology, since in both cases calls into question the natural attitude. Now the use of wild Wesen Merleau Ponty directly affects the evolution it looks implied philosophical materialism since the Congress of Murcia and at present uses the Estromatología given by Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina. But estromatología only serve as a scaffold for eidetic essences would observe herself dam of transcendental egologie whose dimension intended confines. For if the essence could only be eidetic, then all of them depend on the constitutional thought and would not object nor real world to discover beyond the Cogito. In this first part, which will continue other two, we elucidate the preliminary question of the meaning of wild Wesen in Merleau-Ponty.
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