Diigomarcadores Sociales, Soporte del Aprendizaje e Investigación colaborativa
- Estellés Arolas, Enrique 2
- Moral Pérez, María Esther del 1
- González Ladrón de Guevara, Fernando 2
Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
ISSN: 1695-288X
Año de publicación: 2010
Título del ejemplar: Coloquio hispano-brasileño de informática educativa
Volumen: 9
Número: 2
Páginas: 153-166
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa
Web 2.0 has originated new applications, like the Social Bookmarking Systems (SBS) with remarkable socializing features, Rather than focusing on the relationship between users, it provides users with the necessary tools to manage and use information that can be later shared. In this article SBS are defined as web applications that can help to store, classify, organize, describe and share multi-format information through links to web sites, blogs, images, wikis, videos and podcasts of interest, emphasizing their advantages for supporting collaborative work. Specifically, Diigo and its contributions will be studied as a metacognitive tool wich makes visible the way each user learns, thinks and develops the knowledge obtained from the information he selects, organizes and categorizes, incrementing its value when sharing it. It facilitates collaborative learning and research through the sharing of tags that describe marked resources giving them high value. Diigo favours the research groups connection thanks to the browsing of the referenced information that has been tagged by others. Everybody can suscribe himself to that information, re-tagging it and adding new nuances. Also favours the information management in the different research phases. Ultimately, it propitiates the collaborative work thanks to the union of the different synergies of the members team, speeding the broadcast of the ideas between interdisciplinary fields and contributing to the collective knowledge development.
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