Enseñanza del asturiano y rendimiento en matemáticas en alumnos asturianos de condición lingüística familiar castellana

  1. Huguet Canalis, Ángel
  2. González Riaño, Xosé Antón
Bordón: Revista de pedagogía

ISSN: 0210-5934

Year of publication: 2003

Volume: 55

Issue: 2

Pages: 231-239

Type: Article

More publications in: Bordón: Revista de pedagogía


In this article the mathematical yield of Secundary School students is compared, according to they have or not formation in Asturian language. In all the cases the Spanish language is its maternal tongue. The students have similar intellectual and also socioeconomic level. The results show that differences between both groups don¿t exist. In the article the results are commented and explained.