Ámbitos de la tradición oral en AsturiasEcoeducación y Aprendizaje

  1. Dopico Rodríguez, Eduardo
Dirixida por:
  1. José Luis San Fabián Maroto Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Oviedo

Fecha de defensa: 28 de abril de 2006

  1. Francisco Javier Fernández Conde Presidente/a
  2. Xosé Antón González Riaño Secretario
  3. Luis Torrego Egido Vogal
  4. Eloy Gómez Pellón Vogal
  5. David Poveda Bicknell Vogal
  1. Ciencias de la Educación

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 131571 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Traditional culture is a mechanism of cultural reproduction. As a set of inherited traits or characteristics and like symbolic designation endowed with meaning and value, transmitting in large measure orally, identifying lifestyle and culture of a community that fits your life time. This doctoral thesis investigates the socio-educative aspects of the oral tradition in non-formal contexts of teaching and learning according to oral tradition as an aspect of culture and as a means of learning. To do this, it constructs an educational paradigm, the Ecoeducation and develops a methodological approach the Boarding Method in order to define and analyze. The Ecoeducation, or education in life context, defines the invariant culture, supported on the experience-based learning oral interacting, produced through practical teaching examples developed in natural environments of business and labour, highly significant for those who teach and those who learn.