Ámbitos de la tradición oral en AsturiasEcoeducación y Aprendizaje

  1. Dopico Rodríguez, Eduardo
Supervised by:
  1. José Luis San Fabián Maroto Director

Defence university: Universidad de Oviedo

Fecha de defensa: 28 April 2006

  1. Francisco Javier Fernández Conde Chair
  2. Xosé Antón González Riaño Secretary
  3. Luis Torrego Egido Committee member
  4. Eloy Gómez Pellón Committee member
  5. David Poveda Bicknell Committee member
  1. Ciencias de la Educación

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 131571 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Traditional culture is a mechanism of cultural reproduction. As a set of inherited traits or characteristics and like symbolic designation endowed with meaning and value, transmitting in large measure orally, identifying lifestyle and culture of a community that fits your life time. This doctoral thesis investigates the socio-educative aspects of the oral tradition in non-formal contexts of teaching and learning according to oral tradition as an aspect of culture and as a means of learning. To do this, it constructs an educational paradigm, the Ecoeducation and develops a methodological approach the Boarding Method in order to define and analyze. The Ecoeducation, or education in life context, defines the invariant culture, supported on the experience-based learning oral interacting, produced through practical teaching examples developed in natural environments of business and labour, highly significant for those who teach and those who learn.