Profesor Contratado Doctor
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with FELIPE PEDRO ALVAREZ RABANAL (19)
Numerical investigation of truck aerodynamics on several classes of infrastructures
Wind and Structures, An International Journal, Vol. 26, Núm. 1, pp. 35-43
Hygrothermal study of lightweight concrete hollow bricks: A new proposed experimental-numerical method
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 70, pp. 194-206
The use of response surface methodology to improve the thermal transmittance of lightweight concrete hollow bricks by FEM
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 52, pp. 331-344
Hygrothermal properties of lightweight concrete: Experiments and numerical fitting study
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 40, pp. 543-555
Nonlinear analysis of the pressure field in industrial buildings with curved metallic roofs due to the wind effect by FEM
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 221, pp. 202-213
Non-linear thermal analysis of the efficiency of light concrete multi-holed bricks with large recesses by FEM
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Núm. 20, pp. 10040-10049
Nonlinear buckling and failure analysis of a self-weighted metallic roof with and without skylights by FEM
Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 26, pp. 65-80
Optimization based on design of experiments (DOE) using finite element model (FEM) analysis applied to retrofitting the Church of Baldornon, Spain
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Vol. 6, Núm. 4, pp. 436-451
A SVM-based regression model to study the air quality in the urban area of the city of Oviedo (Spain)
Support Vector Machines: Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 27-49
Design and shape optimization of a new type of hollow concrete masonry block using the finite element method
Engineering Structures, Vol. 33, Núm. 1, pp. 1-9
A FEM comparative analysis of the thermal efficiency among floors made up of clay, concrete and lightweight concrete hollow blocks
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 30, Núm. 17-18, pp. 2822-2826
Damage assessment of a self-weight metallic roof with skylights using the finite element method
Civil-Comp Proceedings
Optimization of an acoustic test chamber involving the fluid-structure interaction by FEM and experimental validation
Sound transmission loss analysis through a multilayer lightweight concrete hollow brick wall by FEM and experimental validation
Building and Environment, Vol. 45, Núm. 11, pp. 2373-2386
Análisis estructural mediante el MEF de la del pórtico y la bóveda de la capilla prerrománica de la Consagración de la Iglesia de Salvador de Valdediós
Tecnología de la rehabilitación y gestión del patrimonio construido (REHABEND 2008): jornadas técnicas internacionales (Grupo de Tecnología de la Edificación), pp. 239-247
Non-linear analysis of the soil-structure interaction of Baldornon's church, Spain using the finite element method
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing
Finite element analysis of thin-walled composite two-span wood-based loadbearing stressed skin roof panels and experimental validation
Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 46, Núm. 3, pp. 276-289
Acoustic analysis of a sandwich non metallic panel for roofs by FEM and experimental validation
AIP Conference Proceedings
Evaluation of the damage in the vault and portico of the pre-Romanesque chapel of San Salvador de Valdediós using frictional contacts and the finite-element method
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 84, Núm. 3, pp. 377-393