
Puig Bargués
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Jaume Puig Bargués (7)
Forecast of the outlet turbidity and filtered volume in different microirrigation filters and filtration media by using machine learning techniques
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 439
Hybrid DE optimised kernel SVR–relied techniques to forecast the outlet turbidity and outlet dissolved oxygen in distinct filtration media and micro-irrigation filters
Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 243, pp. 42-56
A new predictive model for the outlet turbidity in micro-irrigation sand filters fed with effluents using Gaussian process regression
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 170
Prediction of outlet dissolved oxygen in micro-irrigation sand media filters using a Gaussian process regression
Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 195, pp. 198-207
Pressure drop modelling in sand filters in micro-irrigation using gradient boosted regression trees
Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 171, pp. 41-51
Modeling pressure drop produced by different filtering media in microirrigation sand filters using the hybrid ABC-MARS-based approach, MLP neural network and M5 model tree
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 139, pp. 65-74
A new predictive model for the filtered volume and outlet parameters in micro-irrigation sand filters fed with effluents using the hybrid PSO-SVM-based approach
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 125, pp. 74-80