
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
Madrid, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (64)
Adaptive response of prokaryotic communities to extreme pollution flooding in a Paleolithic rock art cave (Pindal Cave, northern Spain)
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 921
Alteration by natural processes or anthropogenic manipulation? Assessing human skull breakage through machine learning algorithms
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol. 16, Núm. 11
Geomorphological evolution and mapping of the littoral of Asturias and Cantabria (Northern Spain) in the area of El Pindal Cave: relations between coastline and karstic morphologies
Journal of Maps, Vol. 19, Núm. 1
New insights into the structure, microbial diversity and ecology of yellow biofilms in a Paleolithic rock art cave (Pindal Cave, Asturias, Spain)
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 897
The earliest basketry in southern Europe: Hunter-gatherer and farmer plant-based technology in Cueva de los Murciélagos (Albuñol)
Science advances, Vol. 9, Núm. 39, pp. eadi3055
Micromorphological study of site formation processes at el sidrón cave (Asturias, Northern Spain): Encrustations over neanderthal bones
Geosciences (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 10
Analyses of the neandertal patellae from El Sidrón (Asturias, Spain) with implications for the evolution of body form in Homo
Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 141
Environment and subsistence strategies at La Viña rock shelter and Llonin cave (Asturias, Spain) during MIS3
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 30
New data for the late Upper Palaeolithic in the Cantabrian region: Arangas Cave (Cabrales, Asturias, Spain)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 29
Palaeoenvironmental and chronological context of human occupations at El Cierro cave (Northern Spain) during the transition from the late Upper Pleistocene to the early Holocene
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 29
The dawn of the Middle Paleolithic in Atapuerca: the lithic assemblage of TD10.1 from Gran Dolina
Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 145
The evolutionary history of Neanderthal and Denisovan Y chromosomes
Science, Vol. 369, Núm. 6511
Biotic resources in the Lower Magdalenian at Cova Rosa (Sardeu, Asturias, Cantabrian Spain)
Quaternary International, Vol. 506, pp. 25-34
Skeletal Anomalies in The Neandertal Family of El Sidrón (Spain) Support A Role of Inbreeding in Neandertal Extinction
Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, Núm. 1
El Abrigo de la Viña (La Manzaneda, Oviedo) 2013-2016
Excavaciones arqueológicas en Asturias 2013-2016 (Trabe), pp. 107-120
La cueva de El Cierro (Fresnu, Ribadesella): campañas de excavación e investigación 1977-1979, 2014 y 2016
Excavaciones arqueológicas en Asturias 2013-2016 (Trabe), pp. 93-106
La cueva de El Sidrón (Piloña): campañas de excavación, investigación y difusión 2013-2016
Excavaciones arqueológicas en Asturias 2013-2016 (Trabe), pp. 9-20
Response to comment on “The growth pattern of Neandertals, reconstructed from a juvenile skeleton from El Sidrón (Spain)”
Science, Vol. 359, Núm. 6380
Neandertal and Denisovan DNA from Pleistocene sediments
Science, Vol. 356, Núm. 6338, pp. 605-608
Neandertal talus bones from El Sidrón site (Asturias, Spain): A 3D geometric morphometrics analysis
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 164, Núm. 2, pp. 394-415