Profesora Sustituta 80.2-A LOSU
Department: Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana
Area: French Philology
Research group: INTERSECCIONES Intersecciones: Literaturas, Culturas y Teorias Contemporaneas
Email: scarlakenjustine@uniovi.es
Justine Scarlaken is Asociate profesor at the University of Oviedo. She belongs to the English, French and German Philology department. She is a PhD student in the French Studies Doctorate Program of the Complutense University in Madrid. Her Tesis is entitled : Has literary criticism become a literature like anyother ? Upon the renewal of literary theory. Her investigation interests are theorical fiction and speeches of violence. She is also a member of the editorial comitee of the review for young researchers Les Chantiers de la création affiliated to Aix-Marseille University.