Catedrática de Universidad
Department: Construcción e Ingeniería de Fabricación
Area: Mechanics of Continuous Media and Theory of Structures
Research group: SIMUMECAMAT Simulación Numérica, Modelizacion, Caracterización Mecánica y Optimización Microestructural de Componentes Industriales
Email: cristina@uniovi.es
Doctor by the Universidad de Oviedo with the thesis Tenacidad a la fractura en plásticos reforzados con fibras cortas de vidrio aleatoriamente distribuidas 1993. Supervised by Dr. F. Javier Belzunce Varela.
Especialidades predominantes (top 5)
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Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones
Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.
Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.
Professor of continuum mechanics and structure theory and Academic of the Asturian Academy of Science and Engineering (AACI), her research focuses on the analysis of the mechanical behavior of structural elements, especially in fracture and fatigue of steel components and their welded joints in situations that simulate their in-service life. Author of more than 300 publications in scientific journals and books, she has tutored 14 Ph. thesis and has participated in a large number of I+D+i projects. She was chair of the Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Industrial de Asturias (IUTA), from which she promoted the collaboration between University and industry both through transfer contracts (more than 50) and through the organization of more than 20 scientific-technical meetings. Co-founder of an EBT company based in Asturias, she is part of the CTN7 Standardization Committee on "Materials Testing" and of the specific commission for the evaluation of doctoral programs of the Agencia Catalana for university quality. She has received the medal of honor from the Spanish Society for Structural Integrity, a society in which she currently holds the position of vice chair.