Publicaciones (96) Publicaciones de JOSEP POBLET ESPLUGAS



  1. Horizontal/vertical motion and wedge geometry of the Sinú Fold Belt, South-Caribbean accretionary prism, NW Colombia: Implications for a morphostructural zoning

    Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 143

  2. On the influence of Variscan inheritance on rifting of the Western Iberian margin

    Terra Nova, Vol. 34, Núm. 5, pp. 424-432

  3. Relationships between normal faulting, mud diapirism and thrusting in the trailing part of the Sinú Fold Belt (South Caribbean Deformed Belt), offshore Northwestern Colombia

    Andean Structural Styles: A Seismic Atlas (Elsevier), pp. 121-128

  4. Thrust sequence in the Sinú Fold Belt (South Caribbean Deformed Belt), offshore northwestern Colombia

    Andean Structural Styles: A Seismic Atlas (Elsevier), pp. 111-119

  5. Thrusting, Extension, Toe-Thrusting and Shale Tectonics at the Sinú Accretionary Wedge (NW Colombia)

    4th HGS/EAGE Conference on Latin America

  6. Tools to analyse misleading kinematic interpretations of faults offsetting inclined or folded surfaces: Applications to Asturian Basin (NW Iberian Peninsula) examples

    Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 162

  7. Transition from thin-to thick-skinned tectonics: example from the Boomerang Hills, Bolivia

    Andean Structural Styles: A Seismic Atlas (Elsevier), pp. 335-343

  8. Using the Schmidt hammer on folds: An example from the Cantabrian Zone (NW Iberian Peninsula)

    Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 155

  9. Virtual outcrop models: Digital techniques and an inventory of structural models from North-Northwest Iberia (Cantabrian Zone and Asturian Basin)

    Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 157


  1. Effects of inherited structures on inversion tectonics: Examples from the Asturian Basin (NW Iberian Peninsula) interpreted in a Computer Assisted Virtual Environment (CAVE)

    Geosphere, Vol. 14, Núm. 4, pp. 1635-1656

  2. Evolución tectonosedimentaria del Grupo Cuyo en el ámbito de la Dorsal de Huincul, Cuenca Neuquina, Argentina

    10º Congreso de Exploración y Desarrollo de Hidrocarburos. Simposio de recursos no convencionales. Hacia una nueva convención (Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y Gas (IAPG)), pp. 269-294