Department: Morfología y Biología Celular
Area: Cell Biology
Research group: BIOX Biología Redox
Email: gonzalezmpedro@uniovi.es
Doctor by the Universidad de Oviedo with the thesis Regulation of facilitative glucose transporters (glut) during prostate tumor progression 2017. Supervised by Dr. Rosa Maria Sainz Menendez, Dr. David Hevia Sanchez, Dr. Juan Carlos Mayo Barrallo.
Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones
With over 10 years in biomedical research, I have published 18 original articles and 6 reviews, serving as first author on five and co-corresponding author on three. Eight are in D1 journals and 14 in Q1. My work has more than 800 citations and a h-index of 14. I began in immunology at the University of Oviedo, publishing my first first-author paper. During my PhD in Dr. Sainz’s lab, supported by the FPU program, I researched GLUT transporters in prostate cancer. I published three first-author papers and contributed to eight others, collaborating on two Spanish Government projects and a contract with Bioquochem S.L. My thesis work earned oral presentations, international travel grants, and the Extraordinary Thesis Award. I also supervised two final degree projects, taught, and organized outreach events. I was awarded a European Association for Cancer Research short stay in Naomi Taylor’s lab at CNRS, later joining as a postdoctoral researcher. Supported by the Clarin-COFUND EU Program and an NIH PO1 grant, I studied mitochondrial oxidative stress and hypusinated-eIF5A’s role in translation during erythropoiesis. I published two papers as first and co-corresponding author, trained MSc and PhD students, and presented my work at major conferences (Gordon Research Conference in Red Cells, European School of Hematology conference, etc.). I also reviewed for journals, and evaluated for research funding calls in France and Poland. In August 2022, I returned to the University of Oviedo on a “María Zambrano” grant, becoming a “Ramón y Cajal” researcher in January 2023. I co-supervised a PhD student, contribute to scientific dissemination, and recently participated at the Gordon Research Conference in Red Cells as guest. In 2023, I started a SFRR-Europe/OCC ECR Fellowship and was awarded a Spanish Government “Generación del Conocimiento 2022” grant to study the role of protein synthesis in hematopoiesis (2023-2026).