Publicaciones (7) Publicaciones de LORENA SANZ PRADA
Determination of heavy metal baseline levels and threshold values on marine sediments in the Bay of Biscay
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 303
Fuzzy Logic approach to detect the influence of marine vs. continental (anthropic) elements in the geochemistry of the Asturian coastline sediments
Regional Studies in Marine Science, Vol. 55
Heavy metal concentrations and dispersion in wild mussels along the Asturias coastline (North of Spain)
Ecological Indicators, Vol. 135
Análisis de la presencia de mercurio en diferentes compartimentos ambientales del estuario del río Nalón como consecuencia de la minería
Recursos minerales y medioambiente: una herencia que gestionar y un futuro que construir. Libro jubilar del profesor Jorge Loredo (Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo), pp. 179-192
Determination of the optimum extraction pressure in a steam power cycle with only one bleed
Energy Reports
Geochemical distribution of selected heavy metals in the Asturian coastline sediments (North of Spain)
Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 156
Mercury and arsenic mobility in resuspended contaminated estuarine sediments (Asturias, Spain): A laboratory-based study
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 744