Publikationen (46) Publikationen von MARIA JOSE PEREZ FERNANDEZ


  1. Magnetic properties and magneto-caloric effect in pseudo-binary intermetallic (Ce,R)2Fe17 compounds (R = Y, Pr and Dy)

    Intermetallics, Vol. 19, Núm. 7, pp. 982-987

  2. Magneto-caloric effect in the pseudo-binary intermetallic YPrFe 17 compound

    Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 131, Núm. 1-2, pp. 18-22

  3. Magnetoimpedance in soft magnetic amorphous and nanostructured wires

    Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Vol. 104, Núm. 1, pp. 433-445

  4. Off-diagonal magnetoimpedance effect in field quenched Co 69Fe 4Si 15B 12 amorphous ribbons

    Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, Vol. 208, Núm. 10, pp. 2265-2268

  5. Spin-glass-like behaviour in ball milled Fe30Cr70 alloy studied by ac magnetic susceptibility

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds


  1. Crystal structure, magnetocaloric effect and magnetovolume anomalies in nanostructured Pr2Fe17

    Acta Materialia, Vol. 57, Núm. 6, pp. 1724-1733

  2. Crystallization of Fe75Zr25 metallic glass: A two-step process involving metastable bcc-fe and polymorphic transformation

    Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, Vol. 3, Núm. 1, pp. 28-30

  3. FePd melt-spun ribbons and nanowires: Fabrication and magneto-structural properties

    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 321, Núm. 7, pp. 790-792

  4. Stress-induced large Curie temperature enhancement in Fe64 Ni36 Invar alloy

    Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Vol. 80, Núm. 6

  5. The effect of ball milling in the microstructure and magnetic properties of Pr2Fe17 compound

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 483, Núm. 1-2, pp. 682-685


  1. Analysis of the diffraction-line broadening on nanostructured Fe: Size-strain effects induced by milling and heating

    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol. 20, Núm. 33

  2. Microstructural and magnetic characterization of Nd2Fe17 ball milled alloys

    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 354, Núm. 47-51, pp. 5172-5174

  3. Off-diagonal magnetoimpedance effect in Fe80B20 amorphous ribbons

    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 354, Núm. 47-51, pp. 5147-5149

  4. Relative cooling power enhancement in magneto-caloric nanostructured Pr2Fe17

    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 41, Núm. 19

  5. Structural and magnetic study of mechanically alloyed Fe30Cr70 by neutron thermo-diffractometry and magnetization measurements

    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 354, Núm. 47-51, pp. 5156-5158