Department: Economía Cuantitativa

Area: Financial Economics and Accounting

Research group: MCDMUO Grupo de Decisión Multicriterio Universidad de Oviedo


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Doctor by the Universidad de Oviedo with the thesis Programación multiobjetiva en ambiente difuso 1997. Supervised by Dr. María Victoria Rodríguez Uría.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

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  2. General Economics Filtrar
  3. Management Science and Operations Research Filtrar
  4. Strategy and Management Filtrar
  5. Artificial Intelligence Filtrar

Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Oviedo (1997). I am a Professor in the Department of Quantitative Economics at the University of Oviedo. My research is mainly developed in implementing theoretical models of Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming (FMP) and its application to different economic and financial fields: selection of socially responsible portfolios, natural resources management, competitiveness, and sustainable development indexes, among others. To develop this applied line of research, I have undertaken a research stay in Australia to work with Janice Carpenter, former president of the Association for Ethical Investment in Australia. During my stay in Australia, I collaborated with professors from the Universities of Sydney and Brisbane (Karen Benson). I am a researcher of the Multicriteria Decision Group of the University of Oviedo (MCDMUO), which was evaluated positively by ANEP (2012). I am also a member of the Spanish Multicriteria Decision Group, the International Society of Multiple Criteria Decision Making, the Association of European Operational Research Societies, the EURO Working Group, and the Multicriteria Decision Aiding (EWG-MCDA). The results of my research have been presented in different forums and conferences. They are published in various national and international books and journals, including the European Journal of Operations Research, OMEGA, Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, International Transactions in Operational Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Information Sciences, Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Operations Research, Fuzzy Sets and Systems and Financial Research Letters, among others. Publication statistics: H index (Scopus): 17. Publications in the first quartile (JCR): 17. (1602 citations in 1272 documents). Citations/year: 2017(115);2018(125);2019(134);2020(132); 2021 (120); 2022 (146); 2023(168) (Scopus). Total number of publications during the career: 93 Publications, 41 published in Scopus. Management experience (selected) (Year Project; Role; Funder) -2021-2023 -PROGRAMA GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN: Grupo de Economía Financiera- GECOFIN. Researcher; FICYT. -2020 -Multicriteria Decision Making Group University of Oviedo MCDMUO. Researcher; Univ. Oviedo. -2019 -Quantitative methods in new economic and financial developments in the digital age; Researcher; Univ. Oviedo. -2016-2018 -Multicriteria Methodology in Sustainable Economics and Finances; Researcher; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. -2018-2017-Outcome Uncertainty, Competitive Balance, Leagues and Fans and Gijón Conference on the Economics of Leisure, Culture and Sport; Project Leader; FICYT. -2011 -2014-Application of Multicriteria Decision Models to Economic and Financial Fields; Researcher; Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. -2007-2010-Portfolio Selection of financial instruments for socially responsible investment using Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming techniques; Researcher; Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. -2007-2008-Socially responsible investment as a tool for social awareness on environmental matters; Fundación MAPFRE; Researcher. URL for group research website: Keywords: Multi-criteria Decision Making; Fuzzy Sets; Sustainability; Socially Responsible Investment; CSR valuation; Composite Index Sexennial of research: 4 Ph.D. students: 4 + 5 (ongoing)