Department: Biología de Organismos y Sistemas

Area: Plant Physiology

Doctor by the Universidad de Oviedo with the thesis Caracterización de cascadas de señalización y mecanismos de respuesta, tolerancia y memoria a estrés UV-B en Arabidopsis y pino 2024. Supervised by Dr. Luis Valledor González, Dr. Jesús Pascual Vázquez.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

  1. Physiology Filtrar
  2. Plant Science Filtrar
  3. Genetics Filtrar
  4. Biotechnology Filtrar
  5. Molecular Biology Filtrar

She obtained the Biotechnology Degree in 2017 from the University of Oviedo and the Master in Biotechnology Applied to the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Plant Resources in 2018 from the same university. Since 2020, she is a Severo Ochoa Predoctoral Researcher, carrying out her Doctoral Thesis in the line of Plant Biotechnology within the Biogeosciences doctoral program. She has participated in several national and international conferences (Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Biology and Spanish-Portuguese Congress of Plant Biology, Meeting for Young Scientists in Proteomics 2021, ProteOviedo 2020: VII SEProt Congress and 1st Joint online meeting of Spanish, French and Portuguese Proteomics associations) through oral communications and posters, as well as in various national R+D+I Projects (AGL2017-83988-R, PID2020-113896GB-I00). Within her scientific production, she is the author, up to moment, of a book chapter and three scientific articles published in indexed journals, all of them in the first quartile. In addition, she actively participates in outreach activities (Open Days, European Researchers' Night, Green-Week), and has published an outreach article in The Conversation. She is member of several scientific societies (SEProt, FSBP, SEFV, ASBAS, FEBiotec).