Publications by the researcher in collaboration with DAVID ANSEAN GONZALEZ (35)


  1. A physics-based fractional-order equivalent circuit model for time and frequency-domain applications in lithium-ion batteries

    Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 64

  2. Characterization of a commercial Nickel-Rich/Silicon-Graphite battery, under long term static and dynamic cycling

    Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2023

  3. Innovación en la enseñanza de los sistemas digitales programables basados en microcontroladores

    Modalidades de aprendizaje para la innovación educativa


  1. Cycling study of 18650 Nickel-Rich Silicon-Graphite Lithium-Ion Batteries under different charge currents

    2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2021 - ProceedingS

  2. State of Health Estimation using Machine Learning for Li-ion battery on Electric Vehicles

    2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2021 - ProceedingS


  1. Characterization of lithium-ion silicon-graphite 18650 cells under driving cycles

    2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2020 - Proceedings

  2. Evaluation of commercial 18650 nickel-rich / silicon-graphite batteries for high energy density applications

    Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2020

  3. Fast charging protocols based on pulse-modulation with varying relaxation for electric vehicle li-ion cells

    2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2020 - Proceedings

  4. International and european legislation and standards for battery electric buses

    2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2020 - Proceedings

  5. Metodología Flipped Learning para el aprendizaje autónomo de Electrónica en el laboratorio

    Conference proceedings CIVINEDU 2020: 4th International Virtual Conference on Educational Research and Innovation September 23-24, 2020


  1. Lithium iron phosphate and lithium titanate oxide cell performance under high power requirements of electric bus applications

    2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2018 - Proceedings

  2. Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation Indicators Via Incremental Capacity Analysis

    IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 55, Núm. 3, pp. 2992-3002


  1. Analysis of Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries for Battery Energy Storage Systems

    Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018

  2. Design and Validation of a Tool for Prognosis of the Energy Consumption and Performance in Electric Vehicles

    Transportation Research Procedia

  3. Fast Battery Charger for High Power LiFePO4 Cells

    2018 IEEE 19th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, COMPEL 2018

  4. Impact of fast-charging and regenerative braking in LiFePO4 batteries for electric bus applications

    2017 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2017 - Proceedings

  5. Main Trends and Challenges in Road Transportation Electrification

    Transportation Research Procedia

  6. Redesigning European Public Transport: Impact of New Battery Technologies in the Design of Electric Bus Fleets

    Transportation Research Procedia