Profesor Laboral de Sustitución
Publications (32) JOSE VALENTIN ROCES DIAZ publications
Renaturalización pasiva en la Cordillera Cantábrica: bases y retos científicos para una sostenibilidad socio-ecológica
Ecosistemas: Revista científica y técnica de ecología y medio ambiente, Vol. 32, Núm. 1
Stakeholder perceptions of wildfire management strategies as nature-based solutions in two Iberian biosphere reserves
Ecology and Society, Vol. 28, Núm. 1
A global synthesis of fire effects on ecosystem services of forests and woodlands
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 20, Núm. 3, pp. 170-178
Scanning the solutions for the sustainable supply of forest ecosystem services in Europe
Sustainability Science, Vol. 17, Núm. 5, pp. 2013-2029
Supporting proactive planning for climate change adaptation and conservation using an attributed road-river structure dataset
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 321
Emerging infectious diseases of amphibians in Poland: distribution and environmental drivers
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Vol. 147, pp. 1-12
Mixtures of forest and agroforestry alleviate trade-offs between ecosystem services in European rural landscapes
Ecosystem Services, Vol. 50
Post-glacial determinants of regional species pools in alpine grasslands
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol. 30, Núm. 5, pp. 1101-1115
Temporal changes in Mediterranean forest ecosystem services are driven by stand development, rather than by climate-related disturbances
Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 480
VI. Plantaciones de aliso ("Alnus glutinosa" (L.) Gaertn) en antiguas zonas agrícolas en el monte de la Parroquia rural de Barcia y Leiján (Valdés, Asturias)
Bases técnicas y ecológicas del proyecto de repoblación forestal (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico), pp. 367-377
XII. Repoblación con tres especies del género "Pinus" ("P. sylvestris", "P. pinaster" subsp. "atlantica" y "P. nigra" var. "corsicana") en una zona montañosa con riesgo de erosión en la Región Atlántica española (Tineo, Asturias)
Bases técnicas y ecológicas del proyecto de repoblación forestal (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico), pp. 461-468
Automatic delineation of forest patches in highly fragmented landscapes using coloured point clouds
Forests, Vol. 11, Núm. 2
Improving collaboration between ecosystem service communities and the IPBES science-policy platform
Ecosystems and People, Vol. 16, Núm. 1, pp. 165-174
Perception of ecosystem services and disservices on a peri-urban communal forest: Are landowners’ and visitors’ perspectives dissimilar?
Ecosystem Services, Vol. 43
Agroforestry creates carbon sinks whilst enhancing the environment in agricultural landscapes in Europe
Land Use Policy, Vol. 83, pp. 581-593
Agroforestry is paying off – Economic evaluation of ecosystem services in European landscapes with and without agroforestry systems
Ecosystem Services, Vol. 36
Improving ecosystem assessments in Mediterranean social-ecological systems: a DPSIR analysis
Ecosystems and People, Vol. 15, Núm. 1, pp. 136-155
The use of scenarios and models to evaluate the future of nature values and ecosystem services in Mediterranean forests
Regional Environmental Change, Vol. 19, Núm. 2, pp. 415-428
Una mirada a los servicios de los ecosistemas en clave de género
La sostenibilidad agro-territorial desde la Europa atlántica
Assessing the distribution of forest ecosystem services in a highly populated Mediterranean region
Ecological Indicators, Vol. 93, pp. 986-997