Publications (26) ALVARO NORIEGA GONZALEZ publications



  1. Influence of sampling strategies upon accuracy when measuring polyjet parts

    Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science

  2. Kinetostatic Benchmark of Rear Suspension Systems for Motorcycle

    Mechanisms and Machine Science (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.)

  3. Nonisotropic experimental characterization of the relaxation modulus for PolyJet manufactured parts

    Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 29, Núm. 17, pp. 1876-1882

  4. The experience of the University of Oviedo in the motostudent competition

    Mechanisms and Machine Science


  1. Comparison of viscoelastic moduli fitting using optimization methods

    19th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, ECF 2012