Publications (39) ADRIAN PANDAL BLANCO publications


  1. Biomass dust explosions: CFD simulations and venting experiments in a 1 m3 silo

    Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol. 176, pp. 1048-1062

  2. Experience in the gamification of two subjects on Fluids in the Mechanical Engineering English Degree

    #CIMIE23 Las evidencias científicas que mejoran los resultados educativos: Libro de actas #CIMIE23, Santander 6 y 7 de Julio

  3. Experimental and multiphase modeling of small vertical-axis hydrokinetic turbine with free-surface variations

    Renewable Energy, Vol. 203, pp. 788-801

  4. GDI Ammonia Spray Numerical Simulation by Means of OpenFOAM

    SAE Technical Papers


  1. Assessment of an Open-Source Pressure-Based Real Fluid Model for Transcritical Jet Flows

    ICLASS 2021 - 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems

  2. CFD Simulations of Coal Dust Dispersion in a 20L Spherical Vessel: An Assessment to Dust Explosion Tests

    38th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2021: Clean Coal-based Energy/Fuels and the Environment, PCC 2021

  3. CFD Simulations to characterize Coal Dust Explosions Severity Parameters in the standard 20-LVessel

    38th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2021: Clean Coal-based Energy/Fuels and the Environment, PCC 2021

  4. Development of a drift-flux velocity closure for a coupled Σ-Y spray atomization model

    International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 141